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For inquiries about Digital Arts Consulting, please contact us at the following address. Please feel free to contact us.

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Privacy Policy

Handling of personal information entrusted to us
1. purpose of use of personal information
We specify the following purposes of use of personal information entrusted to us.

Personal information received from customers in relation to products and services
(1) To provide information on various products and services handled by the Company and its group companies.
(2) To provide you information, confirm your application, and provide you with admission tickets regarding the seminars and exhibitions hosted, co-hosted, sponsored, or exhibited by the Company and its group companies.
(3) To request surveys on customer satisfaction conducted by the Company and its group companies.
(4) To publish the results of surveys conducted by the Company and its group companies by aggregating and analyzing personal information statistically processed in a form that does not allow identification of individual customers.
(5) To contact you in the course of our business activities.
(6) Matters necessary for the Company to fulfill a contract with a client (e.g., confirmation of registration for various services and provision of services).
(7) Billing, payment and confirmation of various products and services provided by the Company.
(8) To respond to inquiries, requests, etc., and to send materials requested by the customers, etc.
(9) To provide personal information entrusted to us to our group companies after concluding confidentiality agreements and other agreements in accordance with our internal regulations and compliance program regarding personal information, and after carefully examining and confirming the purpose of use.
(10) For other purposes that are notified or announced in advance in order to fulfill our responsibilities under the contract, to develop better products and services, to deliver useful information, and for other legitimate purposes.
(11) We may receive personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, information about our products you use, etc. from you by means other than in writing for the purposes of using such information for the items stipulated in (1) through (10) above.

Personal information received from employment applicants and employees
(12) Contacting applicants for employment, making employment decisions, managing applicants for employment, sending requested materials, etc., and returning resumes and other materials sent to us.
(13) Personnel and labor management of employees (including retirees) and confirmation of accounting, general affairs, and other business matters.

Personal information obtained under the My Number System
・Personal numbers related to employees
(14) Work related to the preparation of withholding tax certificates for salaries and retirement income
(15) Notification of employment insurance
(16) Notification of health insurance and employee pension insurance
(17) Other administrative procedures required by law in the fields of social security, tax, and disaster countermeasures

・Personal numbers related to individuals other than employees
(18) Documentation of payment records for remuneration, fees, etc.
(19) Documentation of payment of dividends, distribution of surplus, and basic interest
(20) Documentation of payment records for real estate royalties, etc.
(21) Documentation of payment records for consideration for the acquisition of real estate, etc.
(22) Other administrative procedures required by law in the fields of social security, tax, and disaster countermeasures

2. Provision to third parties and supervision of contractors
For the purpose of contributing to the sales promotion activities of our group companies, we will provide the following information about our customers: name, telephone number, address, e-mail address, age, place of employment, department, purchase history and purpose of purchase of products sold by us, type of computer or other terminal used by the customer, and the operating environment, type and usage environment of the software used by the customer, the type and usage environment of the Internet used by the customer, etc. to the Company's group companies through data transmission and written delivery methods. Customers who wish to stop the provision of their personal information to our group companies are requested to contact us. We may outsource all or part of the handling of personal data within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. When entrusting personal data to our group companies or subcontractors, etc., we will enter into confidentiality agreements and other contracts that conform to our internal regulations and compliance program regarding personal information, and will exercise appropriate supervision. In addition, personal information may be disclosed to a third party without the consent of the customer in the event of a court ruling or order ordering disclosure, or in the event of an inquiry from the police, tax authorities, or other parties with legal authority to inquire (Article 197 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 23-2 of the Lawyers Act, etc.).

3. Joint Use of Personal Information
The Company may share the following information with third parties: customer's name, telephone number, address, e-mail address, age, place of employment, department, purchase history and purpose of purchase of products sold by the Company, type of computer and other terminals used by the customer, type and environment of software used by the customer, and type and environment of the customer's Internet connection. The personal information to be shared shall be acquired orally, by telephone, or in writing (including electromagnetic records such as input forms on the Web). The purposes of use are the same as those described above for purposes 1 through 11. With respect to the joint use of personal information, we will enter into confidentiality agreements and other agreements with our partners that conform to our internal regulations and compliance program regarding personal information, and our personal information protection manager will appropriately supervise the joint use of personal information.

4. Cookies
This website uses cookies.
Cookies are identification information issued by a website to the web browser of a visitor's computer in order to identify the visitor's browser. Cookies themselves do not directly store personal information, but some cookies are tied to personal information to obtain the customer's IP address, website browsing history data, and other information.
We send and receive cookies for the following purposes
(1) To study the number of users and traffic on the site
(2) To provide information on products, services, events, seminars, campaigns, questionnaires, etc., sold by the Company, to respond to inquiries, and to improve them.
(3) To create statistical information by processing customer website browsing history data, etc.
(4) To deliver advertisements best suited to customers using behavioral targeting advertising services
If you do not wish to receive cookies or related website browsing history data, please refuse to accept them or delete the cookies you have received. Please refer to the "Help" menu of your browser for information on how to set up cookies.

5. Inquiries about the handling of personal information
・For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact
14F West Tower, Otemachi First Square, 1-5-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Personal Information Inquiry Desk