About Information Security Management System (ISMS)

Purpose of Information Security

The purpose of information security in our company is to protect information, which is our important asset, from information leakage, falsification, or unavailability, and to carry out our business smoothly. Critical assets here mean information and assets related to information.
The information security objectives shall be reviewed annually and as necessary, and shall be included in the ISMS annual plan.


Basic Policy on Information Security

As a company operating in the information security field, we recognize that in addition to our social responsibility to contribute to the improvement of information security by providing products and services to our customers, it is also important to ensure that our information security is sufficiently safe and reliable, In addition to compliance with the Change Holdings Group Security Policy, we hereby set forth our basic policy on information security.

1. To comply with laws, regulations, and norms related to information security and information processing, and to fulfill our contractual responsibilities
2. Appoint a person responsible for the management of information and information-related assets, and clarify his/her responsibility for information security
3. Conduct risk assessment of assets, determine control measures for appropriate risk management, and establish procedures for their implementation
4. To conduct information security education and training and awareness training for employees on a regular basis, and require them to perform their daily duties with security awareness
5. Establish a response system in case of information security incidents and accidents
6. Take disciplinary actions against violations of information security in accordance with laws, regulations, and internal rules
7. Establish a business continuity plan to cope with business interruption due to disasters
8. Strive for continuous improvement of ISMS

IdealRoute Consulting, Inc. has been ISO/IEC27001 certified since October 28, 2020.
We will continue to promote information security initiatives to ensure that all employees are fully aware of our basic policy on information security and appropriately protect our clients' important information assets from various risks.

Location IdealRoute Consulting, Inc.
1-3-33 Kandasudacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Management Standards JIS Q 27001:2014(ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
Certification Registration Number MSA-IS-708
Scope of Registration ・Business Consulting
・Security Governance Consulting
・Infrastructure Construction Services
・Security Operation And Monitoring Services
Expiration date October 31, 2025
Certification Body Management System Assessment Center Inc.

certification mark

certification mark