Prisma Cloud Support Services

AWS/Azure/GCP, etc.
Resource auditing is essential for public cloud operations.

While the use of public cloud computing is increasing in the enterprise, security incidents have been occurring frequently due to misconfiguration and inadequate auditing.
・It takes time to check the parameter sheet against the actual resource settings of the public cloud, making speedy development difficult.
・Managing resources on various consoles are complicated due to multi-cloud operations.
For such customers, we provide all in one service from audit policy configuration to operations using Prisma Cloud.

We solve your problems

  • There is no way to check the security policy of a public cloud, and it is hard to know if the settings are really secure.
  • Management of multi-cloud services is difficult due to different operation procedures and policy settings for management console, and methods to check the policy compliance status.
  • Not being able to track changes in the public cloud
  • Need to remediate existing security policies

Prisma Cloud and IDR Services

Multi-cloud monitoring with Prisma Cloud

Multi-cloud monitoring with Prisma Cloud

  • Prisma Cloud covers multiple clouds and reduces operational workload
  • Our engineers can create custom policies to set your compliance standards as Prisma Cloud policies
Providing a full range of services

Providing a full range of services

  • Many consultants and engineers with expertise in cloud services and cyber security
  • We offer a full range of services, from consulting to engineering and operational support
  • Security operation support by SOC center is also available

Prisma Cloud Overview

Prisma Cloud provides security posture management for multi-cloud environments as part of its CSPM functionality.
It can obtain "configuration, audit logs, network logs," and other data from the customer's cloud environment, and check whether the cloud service complies with policies by comparing the acquired data with standard policies and compliance standards provided by Prisma Cloud.
It also has CWPP functionality to protect workloads.


Installation Flow

STEP01|Requirement Definition and Onboarding

■Organization of security standards
We assist our clients in establishing rules for their internal policies and provide our recommended custom compliance, and organize the actual policies.
We start monitoring by connecting to the cloud service accounts. We also support integration with other companies' products.

STEP02|Configuration and Alert Tuning

■We configure basic settings such as policy settings and alert rules that were discussed in STEP 1.
■We also prepare report settings and operational guidelines for the actual operations of the system.

STEP03|Operation Support

Even after put into operations, we can provide a variety of support services as follows:
■Alert analysis and reporting
We analyze the alert status and reports, scrutinize the contents that need to be monitored, and report back to you. We also offer suggestions for operational improvements.
■QA Support
We respond to inquiries about issues and questions that arise in daily operations. We provide detailed answers through our knowledge and manufacturer escalation.
■Document Management
We manage various changes in configuration parameters and operation guides for tuning after put into operations.

Work Items for Implementation Support Services

The implementation support service mainly includes the following tasks, and supports until put into operation:

Support for establishing rules of internal security standards

・We implement customer-specified internal security standards as Prisma Cloud policies.
・Under the condition that internal security standards are organized at the clause level.
・Only in the case which rules are clearly defined for each unit of service in the public cloud used by the customer.
・This does not include support for the specification of the requirements or support for investigation, etc.

Custom Compliance Settings

・Set custom compliance policies that aggregate custom policies created from internal security standards.
・This does not include consulting services such as refining the appropriate compliance standards for the client.

Operational Design

・We interview the customer's operating environment and create operational guidelines.


・Connect the monitored cloud service accounts to Prisma Cloud.

Alerts Report

・Configure an Alerts Report provided by Prisma Cloud.

Compliance Report

・Configure the Compliance Report provided by Prisma Cloud.

Custom Policies

・Create custom policies based on customer requirements.

Connection with other products

・This section describes how to configure connection with other products.
・Supported products are as follows:
・Splunk Enterprise by Splunk
・Cortex XSOAR by Palo Alto Networks
・Slack Technologies by Slack
・Teams by Microsoft
・Prisma Cloud configuration is covered; product-side configuration will be the customer’s responsibility.
・The customer is responsible for the overall connection between the products, up to the parameter settings received from the customer.

Policy Tuning

・Tuning tasks such as changing policy priorities and disabling will be done.

Alert Reporting Rules

・This function allows you to specify alerts to be issued by group units and alert types according to their priority.
・The customer is responsible for connecting to other products.

Advice on Alert Corrections

・Provide how to fix alerts and recommendations tied to policies.


・Provide hands-on training (maximum 2 hours, up to 8 participants).
・Provide remote support using Microsoft Teams, Zoom Cloud Meetings, etc.
・The content of the training will be in accordance with our company's rules and regulations.


Provides the following:
・Alert response chart
・Parameter sheet
・Operational guideline