QuickStart for m-FILTER@Cloud

Easy to implement security measures for cloud email

In recent years, many companies have promoted the introduction of cloud service e-mail environments. However, cloud service e-mail environments are sometimes not fully equipped with security measures, making it essential to introduce a security service to realize a secure e-mail environment.
IdealRoute Consulting's "QuickStart for m-FILTER@Cloud" solves each and every issue in the introduction of m-FILTER@Cloud, an e-mail security service with a proven track record in Japan, and supports smooth implementation.

Challenges when implementing email security

  • Lack of knowledge of security operations
  • Long-term security measure implementation process
  • High cost of implementing security measures

Service Features

Smooth implementation of settings in as little as 10 business days

Smooth implementation of settings in as little as 10 business days

  • Our technicians familiar with m-FILTER@Cloud can set up e-mail security measures and switch e-mail flows in as little as 10 business days.
  • This service can be used when immediate security measures are required, as it eliminates the traditional complex steps and allows for quick operation.
Supporting System Introduction with Advanced Knowledge and Technology of Information Security

Supporting System Introduction with Advanced Knowledge and Technology of Information Security

  • We strongly support the introduction of m-FILTER@Cloud into customer environments through our advanced knowledge of information security, abundant experience in introducing e-mail systems, and close cooperation with IdealRoute.

Introduction Flow

STEP01|Service Application

・Apply for "QuickStart for m-FILTER@Cloud
・Fill in the required information on the hearing sheet.


Preliminary Preparation
・m-FILTER@Cloud" settings are configured by IdealRoute Consulting.

STEP03|Mail flow switchover

・Switch the mail flow by the customer
・IdealRoute Consulting will provide support via e-mail and telephone during the switchover process.

STEP04|Mail flow switchover

・Start using "m-FILTER@Cloud
・Lecture for administrators on operation methods

Standard Service Contents

Support related to the introduction of "m-FILTER@Cloud" will be provided.
It is assumed that the customer will implement up to the basic design.

Requirements Confirmation

We confirm the contents of the basic design being considered by the customer.

Design support for m-FILTER@Cloud

We will confirm the basic design details you are considering.
We organize addresses and routing based on the confirmed contents.

Configuration of m-FILTER@Cloud

We will configure addresses, routing, users/groups, and other additional functions according to the information provided.

Support at the time of confirming the opening of communication

We support QA when customers confirm communication and conduct various tests.
(Standby time during the opening of the service is from 9:00am to 6:00pm on our business days.)

Conducting study sessions

Briefing sessions for managers will be held at remote meetings.


We will answer your questions related to m-FILTER@Cloud within a period of 15 business days from the day after the confirmation of the opening of the service.